The pairing family is the form characteristic of barbarism, as group marriage is characteristic of savagery and monogamy of civilization. 这是野蛮时代所特有的家庭形式,正如群婚之于蒙昧时代,一夫一妻制之于文明时代一样。
At the time Morgan wrote his book, our knowledge of group marriage was still very limited. 当摩尔根写他的著作的时候,我们关于群婚的知识还是非常有限的。
We will return to this point when discussing group marriage. 我们在研究群婚时,再来谈这个问题吧。
Marriage between entire sections, as it prevails in australia, is in any case a very low and primitive form of group marriage, whereas the punaluan family, so far as we know, represents its highest stage of development. 像澳大利亚所盛行的那种整个级别的结婚,无论如何,乃是群婚的一种十分低级的原始的形式;而普那路亚家庭,就我们所知道的而论,则是群婚的最高发展阶段。
On the contrary, as Giraud-Teulon has already pointed out, it is a specialized form of group marriage; 恰好相反,正如吉罗&特隆已经指出的,这只是群婚的一种特殊形式;
The recognized form of marriage in Sparta was a pairing marriage, modified according to the Spartan conceptions of the state, in which there still survived vestiges of group marriage. 在斯巴达,是一种由国家根据当地的观点而改变了的对偶婚制,这种对偶婚制在有些方面还像群婚。
A certain amount of pairing, for a longer or shorter period, already occurred in group marriage or even earlier; 某种或长或短时期内的成对配偶制,在群婚制度下,或者更早的时候,就已经发生了;
In the later forms of group marriage similar relations probably existed, but with the group continually contracting. 在较后的各种群婚形式中,大概仍然存在着类似的状态,只是群的范围逐渐缩小罢了。
It was not the relic of group marriage or brothers-marrying-to-one-wife system, and it also differed with the marital shape of minority areas. “烝”是在婚姻伦理形成之初,在宗法制度可以容忍的范围内的一种事实婚姻。
Match-making, Romantic tour, Real Meeting, Marriage Class and Counseling, Document preparation, Group Marriage, Immigration Application, Marriage planning, gift and presentation. 说媒、浪漫的旅游,真正的会议上,婚姻类和咨询服务、文件编写、集团结婚,移民申请,婚姻生活筹划、礼品和演示。
To marry a member of another group. Marriage is a great institution. No family should be without it. 不同家族间通婚与另一群体的成员结婚婚姻是一种伟大的制度。只要成家,就应该结婚。
Noyes decided that group marriage was the best way for men and women to live together. 群婚是男人和女人一起生活的最佳办法。
Since then we have become acquainted with a number of other forms of group marriage, and we now know that Morgan here went too far. 自从那时以来,我们了解了群婚的一系列其它形式,现在我们知道,摩尔根在这里走得太远了。
What seems strange here to civilized people is simply the rule according to mother-right and in group marriage. 在这里使文明人感到奇怪的事情,按照母权制和在群婚制中却是一种通例。
However, in his punaluan family he had had the good fortune to strike the highest, the classic form of group marriage, from which the transition to a higher stage can be explained most simply. 不过,他仍然很幸运,在他的普那路亚家庭中碰到了最高的、典型的群婚形式,亦即可以用来更容易地说明向更高形式过渡的那种形式。
Group marriage, the form of family in which whole groups of men and whole groups of women mutually possess one another, and which leaves little room for jealousy. 那就是群婚,即整群的男子与整群的女子互为所有,很少有忌妒余地的婚姻形式。
Newly married couples gather for a group photo session before registering their marriage on the auspicious date of11/ 11/ 11, also known as "singles'day," in Kuala Lumpur on Nov.11. 新婚伴侣在十一月十一日,也就是11/11/11吉祥日或称「单身日」,于吉隆坡登记结婚并集体合影。
This hetaerism derives quite directly from group marriage, from the ceremonial surrender by which women purchased the right of chastity. 这种杂婚制直接起源于群婚制,起源于妇女为赎买贞操权利而作的献身牺牲。
In fact, for men group marriage actually still exists even to this day. 的确,群婚对于男子到今天事实上仍然存在着。
That the ways of marriage developed from group marriage to same generation marriage that formed the first family in human's history-marriage of consanguinity. 男女两性结合形式从原始的状态而实行班辈婚,组成了人类历史上的第一个婚姻家庭&血缘家庭。
As a social group, love and marriage of women postgraduate students have already become a social problem. 女研究生作为一个社会群体,她们的恋爱婚姻已成为一个社会问题而存在。
3) The psychotic decline in the group with a marriage history was a little better than that without a marriage history. There were significant differences in SANS ( P < 0.001). 有婚姻史组的精神病性衰退较无婚姻组略轻,SANS的差异有极其显著意义(P<0.001)。
Chinese ancient marriage institutions once went through the patterns of original group marriage, consanguineous group marriage, sub-consanguineous group marriage and duality marriage etc. 中国古代婚姻制度曾经历了原始群婚、血缘群婚、亚血缘群婚、对偶婚等形态。
Like a prism, and through hundreds and thousands of years of historic development and cultural integration, the marriage custom of pawning wife reflects the various social group's notion of the folk marriage customs in different times and regions. 典妻婚俗像一面多棱镜,经历千百年的历史传承和文化整合,折射出不同时代、不同区域、不同社会群体对民间婚姻文化所赋予的不同理念。
Along with the appearance of individual marriage family, group marriage system without envy was destroyed. 但是随着个体婚家庭的出现,毫无嫉妒感情的群婚制度遭到了破坏,这是人类情绪性犯罪和现行统治产生的一个相同条件。
The large number of the new generation group has reached the age of marriage. 这个数量庞大的新生代群体,已经到了结婚年龄。
Along with the Large-scale high grade customers become financial disintermediation, supply chain financial service, the supply chain finance serves being aimed at the medium-sized and small enterprises customer group is the main body marriage partner and profit source. 随着大型优质客户的金融脱媒化,供应链金融业务,特别是针对中小企业客户群体的供应链金融业务是未来银行的主体对象和利润来源。
Such as the Cao Wei group, exclude the politic marriage with the lord. 如曹魏集团,就曾极力排除与豪强联姻。
Zhu Yuanzhang set up his own group through marriage, fellow, etc, and enlarged his influences; finally he gained the national power. 朱元璋通过婚姻、同乡等等的方式建立了自己的集团,并且积极的向古代的明主模型靠拢,从而扩大自己的影响范围,最终取得了全国政权。
Marriage is a product of social development, which generally experienced the four stages: chaotic marriage, group marriage, dual marriage, monogamy. 婚姻自古至今的发展,其大体经历了乱婚期、群婚制、对偶婚制、一夫一妻制四个阶段。